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Milan Travel guide

Milan hotels, Milan vacation packages 2025 - 2026

Once Italy's largest city, position taken over by Rome as a consequence of the boom years after the last war, Milan remains however the financial and economic hub. It has the nation's largest concentration of industry, but over all it is very famous all over the globe as the world's leading centre for design and fashion. Among Italy's most sophisticated cities, Milan offers the country's best shopping, the most diverse nightclubs and a varied cuisine from around the country and the rest of the world, besides a traditional one of strong personality. Spend a few days and wander around the shopping arcades and backstreets, the exclusive boutique area and the groovier Navigli to the south.

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Milan Travel information

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Milan Sights, sightseeing, culture:

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The hard work ethic of the Milanese spans the centuries. Their oldest traditions are steeped in methodical work in the fields.
It was working the land that made the Milanese put to use both the technique of the tenacious Certosini monks and the hydraulic inventions of Leonardo da Vinci, who lived as a guest of the Sforza family for many years (1482-1513) and bequeathed the city with precious practical knowledge such as designs for irrigation methods in agriculture.

In the 15th century the Dominican church and convent of Santa Maria della Gracia was outside the medieval walls of Milan. It was in its refectory that, between 1495 and 1497, Leonardo painted “ The Last Supper”. Along with the Monna Lisa at the Paris Louvre, The Last Supper is Leonardo's most famous work. It is one of the paintings most often taken as a symbol of Western Art. It depicts the instant in which Jesus announces to the apostles that he knows one of them will betray him. Thanks to the sense of perspective the painting conveyed, the monks eating in the refectory almost had the impression they were part of the scene.

Milan hosts about one hundred libraries both state and private and holds the central office from one of the eight Italian national libraries: the Biblioteca Braidense in Palazzo Brera. The more important libraries hold an historic and artistic patrimony of great value. There are also smaller ones detached in different neighbourhoods, most are situated by the Consigli di Zona. The various university faculties, associations and cultural centres possess a collection of works that can be consulted at request.

To discover a link between Milan and culture is not difficult. The renowned cultural examples are numerous. The Scala, for example, does not need much introduction. The world most famous ambrosian institution exists since 1778, precisely from August 3rd. That day the theatre vibrated with the notes from the "Europa Conosciuta" from Antonio Salieri, the grand rival of Mozart. The merit goes to the genius of Giuseppe Piermarini who created the musical paridise on the area belonging to the church of Santa Maria della Scala, constructed in the XV century by Beatrice Regina della Scala, wife of Bernabò Visconti.

However, since that first performance of Salieri, the "Golfo mistico" and the stage of the Scala have heard the undisputable masterpieces of Rossini, Verdi, Bellini, Donizetti, Boito, Mascagni, Puccini not to forget Wagner e Beethoven. The years pass by, but the traditions of the scala remain intact: today just like in the 18th cent. Every December 7th, the day of Saint Ambrogio, the season commences and emotions start to rise. Location of culture, the Scala has maintained intact its traditions and, above all, much curiosity. For example, for the sale of tickets for the standing positions, the theatre does not accept any reservations. When one talks of standing positions you are referring to the "loggione", where the real enthusiast is located. Another example? It is required a certain standard dress, meaning a type of dark suit for the first performance. The public are asked however to present in jacket and tie for all performances.

Produces talent of unquestionable value. With the official capital in Rome, Milan is the undisputed capital of the Italian theatrical culture. From the Theatre alla Scala, a side that merits a section to it, the various points of reference in the metropolis are many, and each one rich in history. Like the Piccolo Teatro di via Rovello, of which opens shortly the new location at "Garibaldi". Paolo Grassi and Giorgio Strehler, who have represented and still represent the key of interpretation for this fantastic world, founded the Theatre in 1947. A prestigious history, which accompanies other temples from the theatre the Carcano, to San Babila and to Filodrammatici. History, which has slowly educated the young into renovating the traditions and create new universes. The most renowned example is that of the Teatro dell'Elfo, the theatre that invented Gabriele Salvatores and all other actors who followed in the same style: from Paolo Rossi to Gianni Bisio, from Silvio Orlando to Francesco Catania.

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